If you wish to use your computer to join us, please download the Google Chrome browser. Currently no other web browser works with Cleanfeed. You do not need an account to use the browser and you do not need to “finish setting up Chrome” by downloading the mobile app versions.
Shortly before the recording begins you will receive an email from Cleanfeed containing your personal connection button. You are the only person who can use this link, so please do not share it. When you are ready, press Connect. If Chrome is not your default browser you will need to copy the link manually into Chrome.
When the page has loaded press the green Start button. It is highly likely that your computer will now ask permission to access the microphone. Please allow this.
All going well you will be connected immediately to Glisten Media and the other guests. Please use earphones or headphones when connecting via a computer.
You can mute your microphone by clicking the green microphone button next to your name. If you have multiple microphones connected to your computer you can choose which to use by clicking on the cog symbol next to your name and changing the setting on the left where is says “Use browser setting”.
To leave the call please close the Chrome tab.Troubleshooting
When trying to connect you get a message: “You’ve blocked your audio device”.
Please click the camera icon in the address bar and allow microphone access.